Visit Als

Here you will find a map with different sights, entertainments, holiday activities, and other events happening on Als. You can navigate the map by dragging, or by clicking the menu items to the right.

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Recurring events on Als

Als hosts a variety of annual recurring events. Here are a few of them:

  • Prayers Holiday (weekend around Fourth Friday after Easter): Nordborg town party –
    Nb: Fourth Friday after Easter is a Danish public holiday, Store bededag, which loosely translates into Great Prayers Day. The weekend around that Friday is (loosely translated) called Prayers Holiday.
  • Last Sunday in May: Nordborg ring jousting – Facebook/NordborgRingridning
  • 2nd weekend in June: Nordals music festival at Nordborg Castle –
  • 2nd weekend in July: Sønderborg ring jousting –

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